How to use the new Windows Terminal

The new Windows Terminal is awesome! If you are a frequent command line user I highly recommend you to try it.

However, the user documentation could be better.

Here's a few tips for beginners:

How to start Windows Terminal from command line?

Simply type wt to open Windows Terminal.

If you want to open it in the current folder, try this:
wt -d .

How to start a batch script file in Windows terminal?

start wt -d . cmd.exe /C my_batch_file.bat

or, you could create a shortcut, edit it's properties and set the target to be:
wt -d . cmd.exe /C my_batch_file.bat

How to search for text in the Windows Terminal window?

Press ctrl+shift+f to search.

How to copy text from the Windows Terminal to clipboard?

Left-click and drag to select some text. Then right-click the terminal window.

How to paste text from clipboard to the Windows Terminal?

Right-click the terminal window.

More reading


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